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Welcome to the table of the LORD’s Passover! For over 3500 years, the Jewish people have been celebrating Passover: from wandering the desert to the time of the prophets, during the Babylonian captivity to the Roman destruction of the temple, and from the time of Jesus and His disciples until today…the people of God have always recounted the miracle of Passover.

In addition to containing the Biblical account of the Passover, this book also include prayers, blessings, songs, and commentaries. There have been thousands of different versions created over the centuries, and now we have one more! They all have similar key elements, but they each reflect the culture and practices of the Jews who celebrated with their regional traditions.

So, listen, learn, eat, and enjoy this ancient story that is new with every telling, because the God who led Israel out of Egypt is the Lamb of Passover at your table!

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You are invited to participate in Passover, just as Jesus did with His disciples. This dinner guide, typically referred to by the Jewish people as the Haggadah (Hebrew for “the telling”), is faithfully reproduced from thousands of years of Biblical and cultural traditions that will take you and  your family through a meal that has twice changed the world forever. Ever element, every prayer, and every blessing are designed to reveal God’s amazing plan of deliverance and salvation, first for Israel, and then for the entire world.

All who are hungry, all who are thirsty, are welcome here. The table is set, so come, taste, and see that the LORD is good. Here you will experience that the Holy One of Israel who delivered His people from physical slavery with the blood of a lamb; He is also the Lamb of God who delivered the world from the slavery of sin, death, and the grave!